Saturday, December 1, 2007

Now to the Videotape : Pamela Anderson Honeymoon with Tommy Lee was Stolen

November 29, 2007 -- A book is currently being shopped. Its proposal's opener says: "In 1998 a 'Baywatch' babe and an impressively endowed rock star unwittingly became stars of the biggest sex scandal of the decade, sparking the public's hunger for that celebrity sex tape, which was never meant to be seen by anyone other than the Lees."

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee's embarrassingly way-out private raunchy honeymoon video somehow got stolen, shopped, then illegally broadcast on the Internet. Not only did the world watch him break some dozen traffic violations at the time, they also could watch him satisfying Hollywood's hottest female. And whilst he maybe regretted his cavalier attitude toward road safety, what both truly objected to were scenes of them knotted together in jittery, out-of-focus close-ups Doing It. They sued, ultimately relented and allowed their perspiring wrestle to run on, the operation that originally broke this celluloid news.

Comes now 2002. Paris Hilton and then-beau Rick Salomon (coincidentally now Pam Anderson's newest husband) and their grainy footage - intercourse, outercourse, any course and you name it they tried it - shot in a darkened bedroom. This book proposal then minutely tracks what happened to it, who made money off it and how much and how come. And who are the pros who deal in this smut and smarm and sleaze.

The book title is "Hollywood Sex Tape," and we are not talking "War and Peace" here. It spotlights a phone sex empire "grossing tens of millions of dollars." It drops names of A-list actors. It unwraps the inner inner of a hard-core gonzo-style porno industry. It uses terms like offshore bankers' "banging credit cards." It ricochets from hotshot criminals to lesser-shot celebs, who think sex stuff can boost their 16th minute of fame. READ MORE

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