Sunday, January 13, 2008

Riley Giles Interview; Lindsay Lohan Gave Up Cocaine and Alcohol for Sex and Shopping

's ex-boyfriend and snowboarder Riley Giles,24 has given an exclusive interview with News of the World that exposes the star's breakup with cocaine and alcohol. He claims Lindsay is a sex maniac who swapped her drug habit for sex sessions with him in a log cabin.

Riley on his concerns: "I worry because it must be very difficult to keep up your recovery. I couldn't do it. Lindsay has a very addictive personality."

"And now she's switched habits again. First it was drugs, then it was sex, now it's shopping. Her whole day consists of spending—EVERY day. She gets her hair done every day and has a spray tan twice a week. I don't think it's healthy.

"Lindsay felt her life had become totally unmanageable. She drank from the moment she left work then stayed up all night doing coke."

Riley on Lindsay's sex drive: "Lindsay's definitely a nymphomaniac. She's wild in bed. We'd have sex a couple of times in the day and then go to it through the night.
"We once did it four times in a row straight. That was crazy. Lindsay was insatiable. She'd demand sex again and again. We'd go at it for hours. She'd have worn out most guys."
The two lovebirds met while at Cirque Lodge in Utah for rehab. Riley says Lohan slipped him a note asking for his number and before they knew it they were sharing passionate kisses in the hallways.
He revealed: "The chemistry between us was so strong we couldn't help ourselves."
That's why they had to continue their fire by locking themselves in a log cabin tucked away in the mountains for days.
Dr. Riley said: "When you orgasm, your endorphins shoot up and it becomes a massive natural high. If you have an addictive personality like Lindsay you need that to replace the highs you got from taking drugs all the time. Sex became a key part of her recovery.
"And we didn't get out of bed for days. It was the perfect place—roaring fires with amazing views over the Sundance ski resort." READ FULL VIA HOLLYWOOD RAG

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