Thursday, January 24, 2008

More Celebrity Reactions To Heath Ledger's Death


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Reactions from celebrities regarding the news of Heath Ledger's death keep coming in. Earlier today I posted some reactions from Mel Gibson, John Travolta and Michelle Williams among others. Here are some more celebrity reactions:

"I was on my way over to pay him a visit when I found out. I had just left him a message and heard his voice on the machine. He was such a special and genuine person, so extraordinarily talented because he was so raw and honest with his feelings."

~Helena Christensen
"I am shocked and very saddened by the news. I deeply respect Heath's work and always admired his continuing development as an artist. My thoughts are with his family and his close friends"

~Cate Blanchett
"This is such a sad event. I admired Heath enormously. He was such a sensitive and committed and daring actor. This truly is a tragedy."

~Geoffrey Rush
Also, Heath Ledger's family issued the following statement:
We, Heath's family, confirm, the very tragic, untimely and accidental passing of our dearly loved son, brother and doting father of Matilda. He was found peacefully asleep in his New York apartment by his housekeeper at 3:30 p.m. U.S. time.
We would like to thank our friends and everyone around the world for their well wishes and kind thoughts at this time. Heath has touched so many people on so many different levels during his short life but few had the pleasure of truly knowing him.
He was a down to earth, generous, kind-hearted, life-loving and selfless individual who was extremely inspirational to many. Please now respect our families need to grieve and come to terms with our loss privately.

Source, Source via Gabby Babble

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