Sunday, February 3, 2008

Eva Longoria "Over Her Dead Body"

Eva Longoria "Over Her Dead Body" 

Eva Longoria has been all over New York City the past couple days pimping her new movie, "Over Her Dead Body."  Not that it's probably going to help: the movie looks like crap.  And the critics, so far, aren't exactly tripping over themselves to change that perception.  But, you know, I could be wrong.  Hell, I said Katie Holmes' "Mad Money" looked awful and she looked terrible in it.  Oh, wait...

Anyway, here's Eva strutting her 90-lb. self at The Late Show last night.  Check out those shoes she's wearing.  I bet she reached five whole feet with those puppies on.  Though I am envious, as they are, I must admit, fabulous.

Source: [Hollywood Offender] 


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