Sunday, February 3, 2008

Eva Mendes is being treated at the Cirque Lodge in Utah

Another day, another celebrity in rehab.  TMZ is reporting that Eva Mendes is being treated at the Cirque Lodge in Utah.  Yes, the same place Lindsay Lohan did her last rehab stint.  Apparently, Eva's already been there several weeks.  That's how you know you're B-List: when it takes more than a half hour for that news to get out.

Her rep issued the following statement:

"Eva has been working hard for the past year and made a positive decision to take some much-needed time off to proactively attend to some personal issues that, while not critical, she felt deserved some outside professional support. Out of respect for Eva's privacy, we do not wish to discuss further details."

I doubt anyone's going to be clamoring for further details, so rest easy, hyper publicist.  And, please, give it a month and she'll be on the cover of People talking about all her inner demons.

Source: [dlisted]

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