Sunday, February 3, 2008

Trans Celebrity Souce

Bad, bad gossip bloggers (Jezebel)

Paris Hilton stars in the debut of Celebutard Comics! (Defamer)

Sarah Silverman is trading up…to Matt Damon! (GabbyBabble)

Michelle Williams issues official statement (ABCNews)

Is Lindsay Lohan shilling deodorant now? (ImNotObsessed)

Bill O’Reilly’s producer attacks homeless vets (Gawker)

Mississippi to starve fat people (DListed)

Lindsay Lohan at traffic school (ICYDK)

Britney Spears is GD, probably SP as well (Yeeeeah)

Natalee Holloway update (Dissfunktional)

Amy Winehouse downgraded from rehab to hospital (PerezHilton)

Isabella Rossellini’s transgendered insectoid porn movies (AgentBedhead)

Eva Mendes is off to rehab (DailyStab)

Kirstie Alley’s body Thetans get the better of her (HolyCandy)

Lingerie Bowl cancelled! (DerekHail)

Nicole Kidman shows off the baby bump pea (CelebrityBabyScoop)

Tyra Banks = Gloria Steinem? (Mollygood)

Malcolm in the Middle is dating a Cylon (Websters)

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